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FunctX XSLT Functions

Atomic Values of All Types



fn:stringConverts a value or a node to string
fn:numberConverts a value or a node to a number
fn:dataThe atomic value of a node


fn:maxThe maximum of a sequence of values
fn:minThe minimum of a sequence of values
functx:between-inclusiveWhether a value is between two provided values, or equal to one of them
functx:between-exclusiveWhether a value is between two provided values
functx:min-determine-typeThe minimum value in a sequence, figuring out its type (numeric or string)
functx:max-determine-typeThe maximum value in a sequence, figuring out its type (numeric or string)

Missing Values

fn:emptyWhether a value is the empty sequence
fn:existsWhether an argument is the empty sequence
fn:nilledWhether an element is nilled (has xsi:nil="true")
functx:all-whitespaceWhether a value is all whitespace or a zero-length string
functx:has-empty-contentWhether an element has empty content
functx:if-absentThe first argument if it is not empty, otherwise the second argument
functx:if-emptyThe first argument if it is not blank, otherwise the second argument


fn:booleanThe effective boolean value of a sequence
fn:notNegates a boolean value
fn:trueThe boolean value true
fn:falseThe boolean value false
functx:exclusive-orWhether one (and only one) of two boolean values is true


functx:atomic-typeThe built-in type of an atomic value
fn:type-availableWhether a schema type is available

Datypic XSLT Services

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